We must be kin!! From all your posts through the years, we are definitely kindred spirits!
I didn't get to see or hear any Super Bowl stuff but trusting your words, I agree with you! These singers that sing the national anthem and sound like they have a mouth full of jello, are an abomination. The national anthem is a national treasure and means a lot of things to a lot of people who fought and died for this country and these "singers" need to humble themselves and sing it as it should be. Who do they think they are to think that they are important enough that they can change a national anthem??
I once had a man ask me what the hardest song to sing was and I said the Star Spangled Banner because of its range and second was America The Beautiful because of the words and feelings expressed in it. It's serious business and these anthems don't need to be messed with.
Better get off my soapbox but Thanks for expressing your beliefs and ideas for all of us and kindling some fires and thoughts that need to be awakened!!


all types of fishermen must pull together for the good of all!!!