
I fish Tampa bay all the time and the time you are going to be here is going to be windy, just stay close to the flats and you should be ok... Tera Ceia bay is just south of Tampa bay in fact they share the same water. But Tera Ceia is sheltered because it is much smaller.. I would also take Dunfly's advice and rent a kayak instead of buying, there are way too many sharp places you will want to fish. I would venture to say if the oyster bar is showing fish it. If you do not see one then you will run into it. (I wish they could make knives as sharp as oyster shells.) A lot of our fish love the oyster beds. Also you will want to fish under the skyway if they let you this year.

If you are going to fish Tampa Bay let us know, the pirates haunt Tampa Bay all the time, Slenon, Dunfly, Purebs, me, and a bunch of others like the fishing. Let us know more about when you can fish and maybe we can have a secret pirate meeting just in your honor... It does not take much to get us to want to fish or hang around. Just south of Tampa Bay and right on Tera Ceia is a great place to eat.

Bring your camera, Tampa Bay is one of the most beautiful places to shoot. I am a photographer also and if you need to borrow a tripod ( I know your fishing stuff is going to take up 1/2 the plane) let me know.

Let us know if you need anything. Our fish in is the week before you get here, now that is a shame.

Where will you be staying?


[This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 08 February 2006).]