dscapuano in the original post: " ... Also, does anyone know about a fly for Stripers called a Grocery?"

Among other things , you requested information about a 'grocery fly' which is used for stripers. This saltwater fly enjoys a good reputation among fly fishermen across the North East , from Maine to Sandy Hook when fishing for stripers.
The fly comes from its originators : Eldridge Brothers Fly Shop in Cape Neddick , Me.
and it is usually tied in a 4/0 hook as a pollock imitation. Further information may be obtained at :
<< [url=http://www.eldredgeflyshop.com/html/flies.htm:0248c]http://www.eldredgeflyshop.com/html/flies.htm[/url:0248c] >>

An illustrated recipie and fly tying illustration can be found at :
<< [url=http://www.maineflyfish.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2635:0248c]http://www.maineflyfish.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2635[/url:0248c] >>

I hope this helps........
tight lines
bright fish
taut threads