I am from the Sarasota area and one thing I forgot to say. Pinfish that smell strong are like willg8rr said. If they smell strong then soak them in milk for about 1 hour. Takes the strong taste away. Same with sheephead and most of the drum that you can catch. Most of the pinfish we caught were in the Tampa Bay near in moving water they were tastier than the ones that we caught in tidal water. Try them if you do not like them then you will know your own taste buds.

drolfson: I thought I saw a recipe that was pretty close to mine, I'll check back on it and if not then I will shoot it to her. Also have you ever soaked dark meat fish like King Mackerel in Catalina dressing?

drolfson; Update, I went back into the archives and there is a recipe very close to mine, [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/whatscooking/cookin071204.html:43c9d]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/whatscooking/cookin071204.html[/url:43c9d]
His is just slightly different but cooks about the same way. I'll bet either will taste wonderful on any white fish. Dark fish seem to me need a marinade. But that is just me, and my taste buds.


[This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 06 October 2005).]