What do you need to know?

FWIW- I have NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER EVER EVER had a refusal from a tailing redfish in a foot of water or less when I put a #6 bead eyed clouser in natural and white.

Advice- fish the backside of mustang island, lighthouse lakes kayak trails (a no prop zone), and the B & R flats. Should be good sight fishing...

If you have never fished down there, do not be distracted by the mullet making commotion on the surface. I could try and describe the difference between a redfish and mullet, but let me just say instead, that you will know the difference the first time you see a red rooting around as compared to a mullet.

Also, fish the tides either coming or going. I prefer a rising tide because I like hunting fish in super shallow water and they get up shallow on a high tide looking for crabs and what not.

Lastly, slowly shuffle your feet to avoid stingrays (they ARE there). Feel free to email or message me if you have any other questions.

Tight Lines,