
One of the difficulties in translating spinning/casting lures to a fly rod equivalent is our human penchant for 'looks'.

I could sit down at the vice right now, and with available materials and some trial and error, tie a castable fly that will look just like that Hog of yours. I guarantee that it won't catch the same fish, though.

To get something that will 'catch the same fish' (which is what you really want, right?), requires knowledge of how and where you are fishing the bait-How are you 'working' it, how much weight is being used (that includes the weight of the bait itself, of course), how deep are you fishing, etc..

What you need to contrive is a fly rod lure that will have the same action and 'triggers' as the BrushHog. That will change depending on how you fish it.

More than likley, the best substitute won't look anything like the BrushHog, but will work just as well in the same situations.

Just as an example, the Clouser Minnow, properly tied, is the best fly rod equivalent to the texas rigged plastic worm. The Gartside Gurgler will catch the same fish as the Zara Spook, etc..

Good luck with this quest, and please let us know if you find something that works.
