One addition to your post: The tag end of thread approach is a neat one, which I use a fair bit. In order for it to work well you have to ensure the tag end is emerges from under the thread wraps exactly on top of the shank. If the tag end is off to the side it becomes next to impossible to attain a symmetrical split, or keep both halves of the tail level with the shank.

Also, I have found this technique is mostly for smaller hook sizes. It is not that suitable for flies tied on larger hooks, where it becomes difficult to hat the tail angles accute enough. There I would either use thread figures-of-eight to fix the tails into position, or use the earlier references small ball of dubbing (or thread).

Hans W

=== You have a friend in Low Places === [url=][/url:8b5f7]

[This message has been edited by Hans Weilenmann (edited 03 May 2006).]