Since most of our stoneflies around here are much smaller than the western ones I prefer Stimulator's in size #18, Bleached Elk hair wing & tail, Ginger body hackle, the classic royal body - 1/3 peacock hurl + 1/3 red floss + 1/3 peacock hurl, for the head I like orange dubbing with a slightly undersized grizzly hackle.

I've tried tying them on #20 hooks but it's just too bloody hard to get everything to fit on a hook that small.


"If we carry purism to it's logical conclusion, to do it right you'd have to live naked in a cave, hit your trout on the head with rocks, and eat them raw. But, so as not to violate another essential element of the fly-fishing tradition, the rocks would have to be quarried in England and cost $300 each."

~John Gierach