After reading rookies post and my previous post, he is should be your own worst critic. As I stated earlier, your fly will catch fish. I also reread your post as well. As for what you might do differently....yes your assessment that the head is too big might be right (proboably used to tying larger flies I would guess and I have some similar experience in that department LOL). The other thing is to try to get the "hackle" evenly dispersed around the entire fly (top, bottom, and sides).

My best advice to is keep tying the SCHAWPF and and as you progress you will the fly easier to tie and you will like the results more. If you saw some of my fist results on flies I learned to tie here, you would laugh also. My sparkle duns/comparaduns still leave a lot to be desired but they are at least a bit better than my first attempts.

Take care everyone and cya around. Mark