Ok, I'll assume the area is spotless clean everywhere and behind or under things too. You can be assured that even though you have trashed some of the stuff, there are more bugs and eggs where you can't see them. ANYTHING that was even close to the infestation should go into a plastic bag and have moth crystals (they kill and balls repel) and insect spray put in and sealed tight for at least a week. Open drawers and cabinets and set off at least one bug bomb. You must fumigate the room. I set of the bombs with two fans circulating the air all night.

The microwave WILL NOT KILL TINY BUGS!!! The ONLY way it will is if there is enough moisture in the material that will get hot enough to steam and cook the bugs. If it has the moisture, it is probably already rotten and in any case, bringing a skin to the temp to steam, will ruin it. Chemicals kill bugs!

Bomb your room now and then and keep a very careful watch for bugs.

Happy Trails!