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Thread: Hackle stiffness

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Woods Hole MA USA

    Default Hackle stiffness

    I'm using some Whiting 100's to tie up size 20 parachutes, and I'm having a devil of a time winding hackle around the teeny posts. It's just too stiff to pack around the base of the flimsy post. I tried it with Conranch #1 cape hackle, and it goes much easier, as the hackle is a lot more flexible.
    I've never thought about this hackle stiffness bit before. Is a stiff hackle otherwise desirable (i.e. for regular dries) or something to be avoided?

  2. #2



    I think you are using incorrect terms to describe what I take your post to mean. By that I mean you are describing the stiffness of the STEM or QUILL as you wrap the feather and not the HACKLE barbs.

    Other than that, the Whiting feathers(talking only about saddle feathers) I've used have pretty soft Stems. Perhaps the post needs to be slightly heavier or reinforced?



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    San Jose,CA, USA


    Try soaking the hackle in warm water before winding if it is too stiff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Woods Hole MA USA


    yes, I'm describing the stiffness of the stem (quill) and not the hackle barbs themselves. I think it's a given we all want the hackle barbs to be as stiff as possible.
    I could build up the post but it might end up a bit too bushy given the fly size. I'll try soaking the feathers tonight.

  5. #5


    What are you using for the post? If it is a yarn of some type just leave it long and hold onto it with your off-hand while you wrap down with the hackle. You can then pull it apart wide to further force the hackle wraps together--and then trim it to length.

    Am I correct to assume you have secured the hackle to the post and not just simply the thorax? If not, you might try that--the stem itself should make a rigid enough post for you.

  6. #6


    When I read your post I to thought at first you were talking about the barbs not the stem.

    Try this. Besides hot water which will help if it is the quill. Make sure you are wrapping your post with the thread high enough. This is wraping the post base with thread. Make sure it is high enough to be under the hackle when it is wraped. That will help you a lot with the stiffness and the winding of the hackle. Also on a size #20 all you will need is about 2 wraps of hackle around the post. Most try and put to many wraps on a small fly. Ron

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sacramento, CA, USA


    I've never had a problem with a "neck" feather being too stiff... hint hint


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Delaware, ohio, USA


    I tie all my parachutes, down to #24, with Whiting 100 packs. I've never had the problem you describe, and I've tied thousands. You might try this. If the stems are as stiff as you say, catch the stem and run it up the post. I do this a lot. Tie your hackle in right by the post with a couple of wraps, catch the stem and run it up the post and then run the thread back down. Now you've got your stiff stem stiffening your post. Hard to describe, easty to do. Then clip off the stem right above where the thread stops on the post.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    san carlos,ca us


    I think this is what eaustin is talking about

    harry mason
    Harry Mason

  10. #10


    When I have trouble with stiff or brittle feathers I spray them with a protien spray I get from a buddy who cuts hair for a living. Works really well.

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