As you can see by my user name, I'm from SE PA. Searching patterns, I'm more of a dry fly person, so my tendancy is to though out some sort of a floating pattern for both trout and warm water.
For trout I like a CDC and Elk, around here a size 14, gray body and light tan wings or a pattern I've dubbed the Wissahickon Midge. Both of these pattern will move trout and sunfish, to at least take a look at them.
If nothing is seems to be happening, I'll usually tie on a size 14 to 18, Bead head, soft hackle PT Nymph.
Warm water: I usually don't start fishing specifically for bass and panfish until late May. The last couple of years a size 4 Sneaky Pete style slider, in fluorescent yellow, has been a good searching pattern for me. If it's slow then I'll tie on either a Green Weenie or a black flymph as a dropper.
A lot of the streams around here are pretty clear and when I'm sight fishing. One pattern that will move trout is a bait fish imitation tied out of Mirror Image or Fuzzy Fiber with a silicone head. Once I see where the trout are holding I'll switch to a nymph or a dry. I tie them 1 1/2 to 3 inches long. This is also my main subsurface pattern for smallies, greenies and sunfish.