One thing I learned about dubbing was to use it in very small amounts. I also had trouble making it stick to the thread at first, but watching other tyers, I discovered that I was using way too much of the stuff. It twists on better in small amounts.
For the hackle, try holding it by the tip, and use the finger and thumb of the other hand to rub the feather and spread the hackle out. Then tie it in by the tip. With some feathers, this seems to work better.
For dry flies, try the Whiting 100s. They come packaged in different sizes to match the hooks. Not being too good at picking out sizes on my own, these have helped a lot.
Not sure what to tell you about the partridge feathers. I haven't used them too much myself.
Hope these ideas help you out some.

The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves.