LWilliams, RW here,

Vince would say that, because he tied his wings extra high and large, so of course the trout would see the wings. He says as much in his "own" book.."A Modern Dry Fly Code". So does Charles K. Fox in his book "Rising Trout", but Fox and Marinaro were bests buds and fished together often on the Letort.

You have to realize, though, that Marinaro was only confirming his own preference for tying large wings, because he himself thought it was important, not that anyone else did. If it was indeed that important, then it's like saying that all the great tiers and inovators like Swisher and Richards with their no-hackles, the Variants ala Art Flick, the parachute flies, etc. etc. were no good because Vince Marinaro said large, tall wings were the only way to go. I think he might have been a little predjudiced about his own flies, doncha think?

All these flies work well at times and not at others. I'm of the opinion that the trout really don't give a da#m about anything other than size and reasonable silloute with possible shade and color occasionaly thrown into the mix. That's my theory and I've spent over 50 years proving it to myself. FIRE AWAY!!!!

Later, RW

"We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-