I'm fairly new to flytying, but I have a basic grasp on what you might need. Obviously you'll need thread: Black, brown, tan, maybe white. Next, peacock and pheasant tail are use quite commonly used, along with differant hackles: Grizzly, Ginger, and other shades of browns. Also dubbing is very good to have. A few types of hair migth be good to get: Deer, elk, maybe moose? Hooks, I would get standard streamer hooks, for the woolies, and some wet fly, and dry fly hooks, size depending on your local bugs. tools and vises, I would buy cheap first, in case you don't like it ( Highly unlikely ) check around at local fly shops, or sporting good shops to get best deals.
Althought I just scratched the surface this should get you started, but wait for more replies to get a better idea. Welcome to fly tying!
- David

Game fish are too valuable to only be caught once.
-Lee Wulff