Interesting comments Eric.

First, I will in the future tie some night flies on Salmon style hooks after reading various chapters or articles on night fishing and its merits. I think it is something I would like to try atleast once just to say I've done it.

I suppose this is another one of those questions that will get responses, truly based on one's beliefs due in part to one's experiences astream.

As to hatch matching, I've seen anglers take fish on some pretty crude looking flies on one of North America's premier trout waters. I've seen them do so with equipment that was not high tech equipment of todays modern marketplace.

Even the guides I know for many of the premier shops around the landscape tie pretty crude flies, for many they are the go to flies.

From my perspective, I think what we tie onto the hook is over-rated at times. I also think we as anglers as a whole spend to much time dabbling into our vest of fancies that we don't spend enough time concentrating more on positioning ourselves and making a good presentation to the fish!

My scale down approach to flyfishing supports my beliefs. I've gotten rid of many of the books, videos etc. My tying bench look pityful compared to the bounties that adorn most. The number of rods, reels and lines are parred down to three. A 3,5 and 7 weight.

And lastly, I tie very few varying fly patterns or recipes (however, one would term it), opting to tie a select few to cover the hatches that catch fish, only taking the time to vary the color scheme to match the insect that is hatching.