Well, I was able to get one of the "hot-wired" woolly worms in the water and it worked extremely well. I wasn't able to get to the water until 2:30 pm and the wind was horrible, gusting to maybe 35-40 mph. I was forced to use the spinning rig to start out and was deserate to get some crappies, I only got one and let it go back in to grow a bit. I wasn't able to get ANY keepers from the water; 2- 5 or 6" LMB, 2- 3 or 4" green sunfish, and the lone crappie.
At about 6:00 pm the wind died down enough to use the fly rod, so I changed over and moved to the known bluegill water and it began to be a much better day. I was able to get 5 keeper size gills before the light was too faint to remove the fly from the fish. All of them were caught on the blue, red-hackled, gold-wire ribbed woolly worm about 4' from shore. A very nice end to the day.

There's almost nothin' wrong with the first lie, it's the weight of all the others holdin' it up that gets ya'! - Tim