Hi Peter, RW here,

I tied up a few wooly worms in yellow, black and olive at last year's Danbury Show in January, simply because I didn't have any in my fly boxes and was leafing through one of my books looking for something different to tie. Dumb reason, since I never fished one of them all season. Wooly worm has been around awhile. I use the steady tension, jiggle method that Hans described and am a slow tier by nature, but a good hackle will easily snap, crackle and pop it's way to a standing position as you counter wrap the wire anyway. Any fibers that you catch and trap with the thread are easily eliminated with a small tweezer after the fly is finished...not that it really matters to the fish. But yes, I go slow to answer your original question.

"We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-