I tie for a living and tie most of my nymph's for sale and myself on one style of hook. That is in truth all that is needed 99 percent of the time.
But I do use other hooks for different flies Scud hooks and Emerger hooks are used to. I also tie most Dry Flies on one style of hook. Not all but most. Same with streamers and so on. If someone requests another hook than what I use there is an extra charge for those hooks.
I don't know Joe never met the man. But I have tied for a living for aboput 40's years and I do know that most fish don't care what hook the fly is tied on. I have used dry fly hooks for nymphs when the nymph hooks were in short supply. Guess what the anglers didn't care and nither did the fish.
Me believe's you are taking this thing to serious. Just remember the KISS method and you will do fine.
You don't need every hook made to catch a fish. If it were me I would be more worried about how the fly was tied and fished not what hook it is tied on. Ron

[This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 09 September 2005).]