I have seen the CF design in tackle shops, but it just looks like a dubbing needle with some sort of pink adhesive in a bottle. I am assuming a dubbing needle and maybe pva glue would work ok.

Following the above link, in the article he uses silicon which must be messy. I have always found silicon difficult to work with.

I have had some success using a mirror and pva white adhesive. Squeeze some onto the mirror and spread it really thin. (If you want tails, this is the time to lay them on the edge!) Let it dry which takes about a minute or so and it goes clear and a rubbery colour. Just use your thumb or finger to begin to roll it at the bottom edge and roll it up. It comes off easy and makes good looking bodies. I have experimented and included dubbing while wet which was mostly successful. They are a bit floppy so I varnish mine with hard as nails. Of course you need to use waterproof adhesive otherwise they wont last long in water. hehe. You may be able to include trout attractant but of course that would be cheating!!

All joking aside they do make quick and easy bodies, very lifelike.