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Thread: The sad state of things.

  1. #1

    Default The sad state of things.

    I just learned that a fly shop that has provided me with exceptional service has closed its' doors forever. Simply unable to make it.

    This is the same shop that almost two years ago took me out fishing for a whole day with a variety of rods so I could make an educated decision on purchasing my first ever fly rod, reel, etc. Try to get that kind of service with... heck anywhere!

    To say the least I am more than bummed. I guess I didn't spend enough money there to keep the doors open. Although, I believe my wife would argue that point.

    All I can say is, "If at all possible, support the shop(s) that will provide you with customer service and expertise. You aren't paying more for the equipment, you're paying for the priiviledge of having someone that knows what they're doing assisting you! You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

    I'm still clueless, and now without a valued resource.

    The smarter I get the less I know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    It would be a huge loss if We lost our local shop . I pray it doesn't happen . I always shop there unless He doesn't have it and cant get it . I use the big box stores only as a last resort .
    I'm even willing to wait till He orders stuff in for me . You can buy stuff at the big stores , but you cant get all the local wisdom and good advice your local guy can give .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    You guys have hit on my worst fear as well. I have been talking to the owner of my favorite shop, urging him to put some books & clearance items on Ebay rather than limiting their exposure to just the "walk-in" customers. Obviously, there are items we have no interest in that might sell with the vast market available on the net. I honestly believe that the small shops need to utilize the internet to move their "dead stock". I could be wrong, but it sure is worth a try. Just my 2 cents.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  4. #4
    nighthawk Guest


    Well put, J.C.

    Eric "nighthawk"

  5. #5


    Dear JC,

    I was going to jump all over your response, but it would serve no purpose.

    I have been dealing with several, OK 3, fly shops for over 15 years. I'm a regular at all of them, but I've never considered myself worthy of exceptional treatment.

    Maybe that is why I consistently get it?

    Clueless, I'm not singleing you out by any stretch, but some of you folks need to look in the mirror to find out why your favorite fly shop failed.

    Tim Murphy

  6. #6


    No offense taken here Tim. I know what I've done to support those that helped me so much.

    The smarter I get the less I know.

  7. #7


    9/11 caused more problems than most realize or admit. The fly-fishing travel business dried up. We lost a very good local travel business directly because of 9/11.

    Fly shops who depended at least in part on the sale of rods for exotic trips didn't sell them...or the reels, or the multitude of other gear aimed to travel.

    The other part is just that so many fly shops are 'affairs of the heart' where the owner wanted his dream of owning a fly shop. He may have been a great guy, fine angler and teacher, known what products to buy for his region - but totally lost in the world of business. Most business advisors will tell you to have 2 years financial 'float' before you open your doors. Most fly shops don't have that. Or the multitude of 'little things' like marketing, ordering, rotating stock, producing a newsletter or website or possible on-line sales.

    Running/owing a fly shop is work. Hard work.
    And if the shop starts a downward slide, there simply isn't enough money to pay the bills. Sad, but true.

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I think LadyFisher hit a big nail on the head.
    If ANY shop were to depend on the piddlies I buy, they would have not opened in the first place.
    We are old and somewhat still serviceable. So is our gear. We are not one to be greatly impressed with much of the new stuff, be it gimmicks or real...some, but not much.
    ....lee s.

  9. #9


    Know what ya mean......I was lucky enough to find a shop about 45 miles from me, I just was not getting the "buzz" fishing with a noodle rod for steelhead here in Michigan anymore I wanted more......found "the" shop spent 2 hours talking with the owner, I was not in a position to spend the needed money at the time........I feel very bad, a few months later went back there with all the needed funds and more and he was out of busness very nice guy great ethics ...was lucky enough to go to the "midwest fly expo" a few weeks ago and found another dealer a little further away spent some time talking with him and will be spending some cash with him, I just wish I could have had the funds sooner to help out the first dealer

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    north carolina


    I hate to say but the only "fly" shop is great outdoor provisions which is actually
    a catch all store and wish they would go out
    of business.I use to go in at least once or
    twice a week and buy flies,leaders,etc but
    one day the owner pops up and says in front of a couple other customers,well why don't
    you ask him he's in here all the time.Needless to say i've only walked in one time since and that was because i wanted something i had only seen there...

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