
I have watched almost all of the videos avail on the subject matter with the exception of Trouthunters video you mentioned. I think that is my next move.

Many people have their obsessions with flytying and the No Hackle is one of my own.

I've always tried to tie based on Mike's narration in the videos he's shown the pattern on yet it seems the problem comes with the application of pressure and crimping of the wings.

I think over the past few weeks I've been getting better and better at tying them. Atleast I'm more confident tying them and only still have a couple minor problems to resolve to say I GOT IT!

If I were to critique Mike on the way he did it in the video I think a couple of things could have been tried to add a bit more clarity. Would they have worked or atleast communicated the tying procedure more clearly?

One idea was to hold the wings between a clothespin so that the view could see the dynamics behind the thread wrapping.

Second would to be to use a MUCH HEAVIER thread or material to show the thread/bobbin maneuvers. Unfortunately, Mike states very clearly that much of the tying process is hidden from sight of the camera.

I know there are many people who would like to tie this pattern but even as simple as it is, there is still mystery and complexity behind its simple steps for many.

As far as making improvements on my own--a big, big problem was cutting the duck quill segments with equal curvature. Seems one would always have the beautiful curve going forward while the other was a bit more straighter adding some minor frustration along the way.

Eric, if you have the Jack Dennis' Western Dry Flies Video and have memory of the Lawson tying the No Hackle in it, did Mike in that video actually take the bobbin over the top of the vise verses below in the Flies for Spring Creeks and Tailwaters Video?