I catch and relese 99 percent of the trout that I catch. If one is bleeding then I will keep it or if I want a few to eat I will go and catch some small brookies and have a feed once a year or so.

What makes me mad are people that talk about catch and release all the time and how great they are at it and then I see them posting pictures of fish that you know may not live. They are on dry rocks or on the dry grass on a bank while the person gets the camera ready to take the picture. Then they take a picture or two and by the time the fish gets back into the water it may have been on dry land for 2 minutes or better.

Granted some may live but some may die to. Just because someone wanted a picture? Then they release the fish it dies and is wasted. But the person is a hero because they pratice catch and release? It is real easy to have your camera ready while you fish. Keep it on a cord around you neck and in a pocket in your upper vest. Ease the fish into the shallows, lay your rod next to it to show size take out your camera and snap a shot and release the fish. Real easy to do and the fish never leaves the water. Ron

[This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 05 February 2005).]