I made a "tool" to help with extended bodies. I use about 13 inches of a wire coat hanger. The end is bent so if fits around the stem of the vise. The other end is bent like a hook. To that end I have tied a piece of string - about 6 inches. At the other end of the string, I have attached a pair of hackle pliers. When I make the extended body, I tie a piece of monofilament line to the hook when I tie on the thread. Makeyour wings, add the tail, then when you're ready to do the body, I pull the "tool" about half way up the stem of the vise and attach the hackle pliers to the monofilament. This provides tension to the line and allows you to tie extended bodies (woven and dubbed). After you reach the hook, clip the monofilament at the end of the body. The body is somewhat flexable and not too heavy. You can adjust the tension on the line by bending the coat hanger wire a little.

[This message has been edited by ranchwife (edited 11 May 2005).]