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Thread: Dang 16's...

  1. #1

    Default Dang 16's...

    Could someone tell me the best way to Magnifi when tying. I can't see them dang 16's anymore... :*(

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  2. #2


    There is an angle poise lamp on the market . It consists of a large mag (about 9in ) surrounded by a flou light. They are on sale on this side of the pond, wheather they are on sale over there I do not know. I have one which was aquired from work before I retired.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Maybe time for bifocals?
    I tie down to 22 with mine.

    They help with the 6 and 8 also.


  4. #4


    Blindness at the bench set in for me many years ago too. I routinely tie flies in the 24-32 range and I really needed the help. After trying a Luxo lamp with a magnifier and other bench top, light or vise mounted magnifiers I realized that they often times got in the way. I often times hit my hand on the magnifier when wrapping. They also required me to change my viewing angle to see what I was doing while looking through the magnifier.

    I then tried an on-the-head type magnifier and all my problems were solved AND my flies look better too; I wish I used one when I first started. I don?t care how good your eyes are, ribbing a size 28-30 midge pupa ain?t easy. Besides that, when you wear a head mounted magnifier, you look like Fearless Fly when tying which helps to chase away interested observers that otherwise will distract you.

    The brand I use and recommend is Opti-Visor. They are comfortable; easy to adjust and have REAL optical glass lenses that are replaceable and available in many different powers. Choose a lens that gives you the working distance you feel comfortable with probably somewhere in the 14" range. Opti-Visor?s lens for this distance is a number 3. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY if possible since they run about $30.00, well worth it but worthless if they require you to sit too close or too far from the vise. Of course you can buy other lenses at a lower price if you choose the wrong power.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    I have the magnifier with the day light surround, used for my art work ($$$), that I use for tiny flies...and really like it. Cary has a lesser model ($), but prefers the hat-eyes (about $25). He's always got a hat on, so it's pretty handy, and his flies have greatly improved.

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    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  6. #6


    At my local Sportmans Warehouse, I've seen a flexable magnifying lamp. it has a lens about 4 1/2" or maybe 5". I think it was $49.99. Or, bifocals could be the answer, as Rick Z says.

  7. #7


    I agree with babbozzle, use a binocular head loupe system, like the opti-visor one he suggested. Many good companies make them- get good quality instead of a very cheap one. I have use one for years-have very bad eyes anyway even with bifocals, and they have improved my tying immensely. Some newer ones come with an led light built in, which is a real neat option. Check these out, not a bad price for what your get. [url=http://www.carton.ca/magnifiers-head1.html:a84b1]http://www.carton.ca/magnifiers-head1.html[/url:a84b1]


    ?The wild fish were as the wild air, no mans possession but the free gift of God." Arthur Ransome

  8. #8


    [url=http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jhtml?id=0001055311654a&type=product&cmCat=se arch&returnString=No=40&hasJS=true&Nty=1&Ntx=match all&Ntt=lamp&N=4887&QueryText=:f9b85]http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jhtml?id=0001055311654a&type=product&cmCat=se arch&returnString=No=40&hasJS=true&Nty=1&Ntx=match all&Ntt=lamp&N=4887&QueryText=[/url:f9b85] lamp&noImage=0&_D%3AhasJS=+&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen %2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jhtml.22&Ntk=Products&returnPage=search-results1.jhtml

    [This message has been edited by phatkid248 (edited 27 February 2005).]

  9. #9


    Thanx folks for the info, I think I'm gonna give the mag eye's a go...


    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  10. #10


    I second the use of the Opti-Visor, it is what I use over my reading glasses. That said, plenty of light is also necessary. my vise sits under the ceiling fan which has 5 bulbs in it and I placed a Halogen torchiere lamp next to the tying desk. I also use an ott lamp which is positioned about 6" back and 6" above the vise. I don't know which is more important but, since I am approaching retirement, I need both.

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