Hi Coach,
Nice looking old rod. From the pictures, it closely resembles rods produced by the Montague company in the old Chubb plant prior to moving to Montague, Mass. Chubb produced some fine fly rods and part of their culture carried over to Montague's production for a few years or at least until right after WWI. Montague ceased operation in '55 or '56 somewhere in that era. The ferrules on your rod suggest the Montague type ferrules, but then again, they were used by a few companies building rods in that era. I have a friend that has an old Chubb that looks remarkably close to your rod in the pictures....so that would be my best guess. I am sure there will be others that may get closer to a positive ID. Sure is a nice looking old rod that could make a very sweet fishing partner for you!


[This message has been edited by dleo6446 (edited 23 May 2006).]