Lee S, Thanks for the kind words. I just started carving poppers from Balsa wood a couple of months ago and find that it is very easy and fun to do. I use 1/2 x 1/2" square Balsa sticks that are 36" long. I start by marking off how long the popper will be with my Xacto knife. Then, I make a few cuts to get the general shape and the rest is done with 240-grit Abranet which is an open-screen sanding product used in autobody work. It usually takes me about 15 minutes to get the popper or frog pattern sanded to size and shape and ready to cut it away from the stick. The rest is just coloring with markers and finishing it with nail polish and epoxy. These poppers are pretty much bomb-proof and last for many, many fish. Even Gar don't seem to damage them with their needle-sharp teeth. If you enjoy fishing topwater, these are a fun way to add to your fishing arsenal.