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Thread: I highly recommend...

  1. #1

    Default I highly recommend...

    ...a periodic inspection of your fly tying feathers for BUGS!

    I recently went to use a whiting farms red hen cape and found it was infested with larvae of some kind. They were about 1/4 inch long and wiggling

    After inspecting all of my whiting farms hen capes, 4 of them were infected with bugs.

    Bugs were even crawling in the bottom of the storage bin i keep them in

    Seal up the zip lock bag and do not leave them unsealed

    40+ years of tying and never had bugs until now

    Expensive morning

  2. #2


    Absolutely true! Too much investment to lose to bugs. I've read to microwave the buggers to kill their larva. I prefer to use mothballs...........

  3. #3


    got bugs when I moved to florida in 1990 had to throw 30 years of stuff out. been using re-sealable bags and cedar chips since then and have had no problems. surprised you got bugs with whitting necks, my problem turned out to be some cheap necks from a foreign country. when they cured the necks they did not remove the fatty tissue on the back. if you get some feathers from a buddy that hunts, I would stick them in the freezer for a couple of months, the cold should kill any bugs in them, but store every thing in re-sealable bags

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