Quote Originally Posted by Steve Molcsan View Post
The one I have is a true JSFEB and goes back long time
but I would bet you could cobble together old posts and photos
showing your method.. Just a thought...

BTW the one original I have is not for sale..

Take care
... to the Reader's Voice Forum at the top of the page, Steve. For the time being, the original post there has a link to the Serendipitous PMD Emerger FOTW article, which is one of the better presentations of the technique for incorporating tails in an FEB.

Duck's Green Drake, with incorporated tails in an FEB is my favorite fly. Because ... the year I first tied it, I happened to give a couple to a fellow I met over on the Lochsa who was not having much luck dealing the with green drake hatch.

The following year, I happened to approach that fellow at an access, and as I walked up he said that he remembered me. I didn't remember him until he mentioned that I had given him a couple Duck's flies. Then he thanked me, and told me that his daughter had been with him that past year and was quite discouraged with fly fishing, having caught nothing. He tied on one of Duck's flies for her, and she immediately began catching fish, and much enjoying the fly angling experience. Instead of quitting, as she had intended, she committed to stick with it, fish with her dad, much to his delight.

That young lady was the best catch Duck's fly ever made. Which is why it is my favorite fly. Doesn't get any better than that.
