
To post pictures:

1.) Reduce your pictures using photo/graphics software to a size suitable for the web. At 72 ppi try to keep the pictures under 500 pixels wide. In addition, compress them to reduce their file size. Try to keep them under 50K in file size. The smaller the files size the faster the load time. This is real important for viewers with dialup.

2.) upload the picture(s) to your own personal web site like the one you get free with Internet service. Contact your ISP for information. You can also use one of the free photo hosting sites, like, to upload your pictures to.

3.) Once you have done that just copy the URL of each photo and place it in your post with the code as instructed in the "UBB code" link at the top of this page or as in the example below:

Your picture will appear where you have placed the code.
