.... errr, make that choose your position.

Any hour of any day of any year in SE Idaho, the wind can come up the Snake River Plain from the SW unobstructed and at speed. Breezes in excess of 25 mph are normal, with 35 mph winds kind of still in the so what category.

Fly angling in those kinds of winds makes it much more sensible to learn how to position yourself to make the wind your friend than to spend time and effort learning to cast well into that kind of wind.

It's about choosing which section of the river to fish, oftentimes finding water sheltered by terrain or riparian growth to eliminate the wind as a factor.

Or choosing which section of the river is in a direction or which side of the river favors the wind to aid the cast rather than ruin it.

Great casting is just that - great. But then again, developing strategy to get it done is also quite rewarding.
