

Calf Killer
Mark Willigar Flies

This fly would be a "cousin" to my Forbsie pattern. It secured itself a spot in my box the first season I tied it by catching me several salmon that year, including 5 in one evening. I had worked all day, leaving work 15 minutes away from River Philip and the Town Pool in Oxford at 4:30 pm, I didn't have much more than an hour before sunset when I got there, it being the fall season. My bud and I had fished through the Town Pool, about 300 yards of pool, without seeing a fish, until we got to the Calf pool. We were the only people on this pool, and it apparently was full of fresh fish from the tide which was high just before we got there. First pass I hooked nothing until I was walking up to join my friend for a smoke break, and was walking with my rod over my shoulder. Surprised to say the least, when a 38" salmon nailed it. Next 4 passes, I never made it 5 casts through the top part of the pool without hooking up, my buddy hooked up twice. The last fish, was an easy 40"+ but so near dark I had no chance of landing him in a timely fashion, so I pulled the hook out 15 minutes into the battle, with the salmon 75 yards into my backing. Needless to say I still carry this fly. Pattern was inspired by an old Newfoundland pattern someone gave me, but tied with Moose wing, and black throat. Fly has produced best for me tied sparse, on smaller hooks #8-10.