John -

I hope someone has something that you would like and can make a reasonable deal for a used rod.

But if nothing works out for a used rod, I suggest looking at a TFO BVK 8'6" for 4 wt rod, currently retailing for $250. It is a fairly fast rod to start with, and if you underline it with a 3 wt line you might end up with just what you are looking for. ( And with a good warranty behind it .)

For the past few years I've been fishing, for the most part, a BVK 9' for 5 wt underlined with a 4 wt line and really like that combination. This past week or so, I got out my GLoomis Streamdance 9' for 4 wt and underlined it with a 3 wt line and really like that combination for closer in ( out to about 40' ) fishing. I'd recommend the GLoomis Streamdance, my all time favorite fly rod, but it is priced well beyond your target figure.
