John, I am assuming you are in FL at this time of the year not hanging out in MI. I was thinking back and realized it's been close to 40 years ago, one of my National Guard friends and I decided to stay in south Mississippi during the middle weekend of AT and fish a lake we had read about in the MS Fish & Wildlife's magazine. He was primarily a fly angler and a pretty good north Mississippi bream fisherman. I was more into spinning and casting at the time. After fishing the first half day we were not doing well. The lake had a slot limit on bass so catching something keeping size meant either smaller or larger than usual in the bass department. Bream were not available to the normal back home methods of poppers or sponge spiders.

Years later, I talked with a guy who had lived in the area for an extended period of time. He told me it took him a couple of years to figure bream out there, they bedded in 8 - 10 ft. of water, which was pretty clear for our area. If would not surprise me to find the same in your area of FL with lots of spring fed lakes down there. I would interested to hear what you discover.