Appreciate the comments. I tried to find "how much backing" needed for bass on the internet and failed. It finally occurred to me to just fill up the reel and then the line put on the reel. I was thinking about 8-9wt rods in order to throw those big wind resistant spun deer hair deceivers and such. But my upcoming trip is about smallmouth bass on a river in Maine. I would love to fish for Tiger Musky but am now 3,000 miles away and home in AZ up for sale and has a contract on it. I am now a permanent Maniac. Anywhoooo.....I was not going to use an 8wt to horse in a bass. Intent was to throw the big flies. I think big flies will not be necessary for smallmouth. So I may downsize the rod. I initially was going to set up a 9wt with a lot of backing just so it would handle bass, pike, etc. One rod for all other than trout. But 'methinks that is overkill for bass.....
Now....what leader....? If I were to furl a leader for 8 or 9 wt rod what material would I use.....what thread....that would indeed roll out those big flies? Using Kathy Scott formula for making leaders.