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Thread: Strike Indicators

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    Jun 2006
    SE MN Driftless


    Quote Originally Posted by jcampbell View Post
    After initially starting this thread, I have watched numerous videos on nymphing and discovered dozens opinions on setups. Kelly Galloup is the only one who puts a split shot on the bottom of the rig (where legal) and did a good job of explaining his logic. However, he is the only one, I saw, who uses that method. He also had good reasoning for using the perfection loop for droppers. Most of the videos used a Thingamabob (Sp) for the indicator, if at all. In any case, nymph fishing seems to be very effective and logical when there is not a good hatch. I am just now getting serious about giving it a try this Spring. Of course, I have asked for and will consider any advice. Thanks to those already responding.
    Obviously you're getting lots of varying opinions on this one. I've tried lots of different nymphing methods over 40 years of so of fly fishing and I still use a number of different systems.

    I probably do 80% of my nymphing in a tightline, euro style. For this style, I just use a bright section of mono ("sighter") tied into my leader. This method is simple IMO. If you couple it with a large tungsten bead nymph you have a simple, direct system for casting and strike detection (no "hinge" in the system for floating indicator or added shot). But you need to get relatively close and keep casts and drifts short (I'd say 20'-30' including rod).

    When I need a longer cast or drift to reach fish, I use a floating indicator ("suspender"). I carry and use several different types of indicators which I choose depending on conditions (and to a degree just how I feel at the moment). I have poly macrame yarn and both tubing (New Zealand style) and ortho rubber bands (Dorsey stye). I also have Thingamabobbers, several smaller foam indicators and, of course, large dry flies for dry / dropper use.

    As for weighting flies / leaders, I've also used a variety of systems for rigging flies and weighting. I've rigged flies "in-line" and on tags. I've weighted flies (large tungsten beads) and with shot on the tippet (above, below and between flies).

    My key suggestion is that there is no single, perfect system for all conditions. If you want to be successful nymph fishing in a variety of conditions, you should learn and try a variety of systems. Understand the pros / cons of each and what conditions they are best suited for.
    Last edited by johnstoeckel; 04-16-2018 at 07:47 PM.

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