Quote Originally Posted by John Rhoades View Post
Just to add some perspective - I saw where this guy made the same post on the PA Fly Fishing forum. The initial couple of replies to his post there were very different from his, and those guys seemed to enjoy it very much.
Yes, since this seems to be getting spammed all over the place, here's the reply I made on PAFF:

I, on the other hand, thought the show excellent. The only disappointment was the fact that Charlie Collins was a no show. I was looking forward to picking up a few hen sets.

Robert Smith's talk was worth trip in itself. His tying demo was a bonus. (As was getting to talk to tctrout for a few minutes.)

I'm sure Charlie Craven was a big draw for many people; he's a talented instructor, even though I'm not greatly fond of the types of patterns that he ties.

I only caught the last few minutes of the live "bugs" talk, but it made me wish I had seen the whole thing.

The amount of soft hackle materials seems to get larger each year. I was surprised at the number of vendors that now carry English red grouse, for example.

I came up to stay the night before; I wish I had booked the room for Saturday night instead and stayed for the Sunday show as well.

The only gripes I had were the lack of a printed agenda, and the venue. The actual room isn't bad, but I wish it were held in some place with parking (and a snack bar.)

As usual, I spent way too much money, but that's my fault.