One fly fisher:

When my son and I were fishing the Henry's Fork below Ashton, there was one other fisher about. He had on a sun-screen long sleeved shirt and a full-face buff. He was a good fisherman. Brad and I dubbed him "The Ninja" as he worked all over the river. You would look upstream and he'd be 100 yards in a different location from last sighting, all day long. He had a number of hook-ups.

That evening, as with nearly all evenings, we ended up at the Trouthunter bar and grill as most area fishers do. When I went outside to the front entrance, I saw a guy seated there smoking. His clothing looked like the Ninja from earlier in the day. I wasn't sure. So, I simply said "hello" and asked where he had fished that day. He hesitated and then said he had fished the Fork ABOVE Ashton. So, I figured he just had the same clothing as Ninja. Then, my son came out and said "Hey, you're the guy who was fishing by us today on the Henry's Fork below Ashton!" The guy looked sheepish and laughed and said "yea, it was me". His girlfriend, sitting next to him, said, "he always bullshits".
I thought it was going out of the way to hide where he had really been fishing. We visited and talked about the section the three of us had fished that day. He was a great guy and the next day caught a huge trout we had all taken turns trying to get to take out fly......right at sundown.

Second fly fisher:
Same spot several nights later. Out having a cigar. Another guy there enjoying a cigar. All of a sudden, he points at my son and I and says "I know you guys....he's from Chile and you're from Hawaii!"
I was stunned as I had never see the guy before in my life (at least I thought that).

He went on to tell that the year before his wife sent him to the Trouthunter Lodge for a week of fishing for a great vacation. My son and I were there at the same time and went out in back of the bar/grill/lodge (the patio) to have a drink and a cigar. He was staying there and his room was near the patio. He saw us (still in waders). He came over, said it was his first time there and wondered where to fish. I gave him 3 of my UV caddis and told him just where to go below Ashton.
He told us that he took my flies the next day (that year before) and went to exactly where we had told him the evening before and caught 4 really nice browns. He said it started his vacation off really well and so he had returned this year. We intend to meet him again next year. He is from Buffalo, New York.

It's like the Trouthunter is the center of the universe...........