Yep, dropped anchor in some fast water to see what would happen. I had heard someone talking about doing it and telling the story of having an immediate view of the sky directly overhead so I had to see if they were telling the truth. Well, they were and it is a very scary situation. When you drop anchor in fast water from a small pontoon boat the boat will point itself directly upward and start rocking back and forth in the current on the rear portion of the pontoons. This is of course if the boat is equipped with a rear anchor drop system. My solution to the problem was to release the anchor and increase the scope of line out by about 30 feet. Good thing I had plenty of anchor line. It took me a good amount of time to figure out what to do and I will say I was bordering on total panic which if panic would have taken over the situation could/would have been disastrous. After releasing the anchor line and getting some control over the situation a friend floating with me was able to retrieve my anchor and we made to shore.