Let's set the scene: Harry was a dentist, and not just any dentist, he was a Pediatric Dentist. It was a tough job but he loved the children and his job. He had a very convenient arrangement as his office was on the third floor of a downtown high-rise and his apartment was on the 10th floor. And just to make it even better there was a nice restaurant with a well-stocked bar in the penthouse. Harry would finish his day at the office, take the elevator to the penthouse and have an evening drink. Talking to the bar tender one day he asked for something different. The barman whipped him up a custom concoction using daiquiri mix, rum and almonds. Harry thought it was wonderful and it became his daily elixir to sooth his nerves after dealing with the sometimes rambunctious children. One day about 4:45 in the afternoon the bar keep noticed he was out of almonds. He searched frantically for something to replace them in Harry?s evening drink. All he could find were hickory nuts and with no time to test, he mixed up Harry?s drink. Right on time here comes Harry and plants himself on a bar stool and the keep slid the drink in front of him. Harry took one small sip and immediately spit it out! What is this he bellowed, it is not my usual. The bar keep explained he was out of almonds so he substituted a different nut in the drink. The keep went on to tell Harry ?It?s a Hickory Daiquiri Doc.?