Really, size 14 16 flies for bluegills? They will take anything that they think will fit into their mouths. I was bass fishing with a buddy a few years back. He was using 7-inch plastic worms, I was using streamers. He thought he felt a tap on his line but there were no follow-up taps so he retrieved it back to the boat for another cast. He found out that light tap was a 4-inch bluegill that had about an inch of the plastic worm stuffed in its mouth and couldn't spit it out. He was still at least six inches from the 2/0 hook. I use size 10 and sometimes size 8 hooks for all my bluegill flies and they still manage to get them deep into their mouths about 25 percent the time. Consider sizing up to size 10 and 12 hooks and you don't need to tie fancy flies with palmered hackle for bluegills. Just a thought...

Jim Smith