
Sounds like you gave the Tenkara rod a good workout in a variety of waters. Yes, there are limitations with that style of fishing as there are with any style of fishing.

I had to chuckle to myself regarding your paragraph "The biggest down side that I have found in using a Tenkara rod is that if you need to cast the fly a few feet farther you can't do it unless you move. If you are fishing for trout in slow water, you don't want to step in water just to get the fly a few feet farther, because stepping in the water will spook the fish. Pretty much any time that I have used the Tenkara rod, I have felt that the limitation of the distance that I can cast was somewhat frustrating."

It seems that no matter what fly rod we use there will always be some fish just a few feet farther than our ability to cast. I guarantee that even the big spey casters have times when they would like to be able to cast just a few more feet.

Anyway, you did a good write-up on the rod and I trust you will find many more places where the Tenkara style fishing will simply 'fit the bill'.

Larry ---sagefisher---