Over the years I've used about anything I ever heard of or came across. Those barb inserts you asked about have been around awhile. I tried them and did'nt think that much of them. First off, they were a bear to install on the end of the flyline and even after you did manage to get the thing installed, I just never trusted the thing - had visions of seeing my leader disappear with "something" unknown attached to the hooked end! (LOL)

A simple device that's been around for quite awhile, that I still use for small trout and pan fish and trust a lot more, is the Eagle Claw Leader-Link. Simple to use, install (just make sure there's an ample sized knot in your leader) and they will last quite awhile; plus the costs are still reasonable. You can do a Google Search for information on them and a lot of fly shops will offer them.

For larger fish I get into some more serious knots and for short, HD leader situations, have even been known to tie a perfection loop on the end of the fly line and do the loop to loop connection with a heavy leader. Have even used the castwell knot here, too. Some of my lines (6 & 7 weight) I use the nail knot, where I tie on a short piece of HD mono (20 or 25lb) with a loop tied on the very end and can connect again doing the loop to loop thing. Since I'm nail-knot challenged, need one of those doohickey tools in order to tie a decent knot ... my tool came from Cabelas, called a "nip-N-knot", made by the Creek Company.

Learning the different methods and techniques of attaching a leader to a flyline is an adenture all in itself! (LOL)


[This message has been edited by DaleW (edited 15 July 2006).]