There is a difference between "fly fishing", and "fly fisherman". One can fly fish without being a fly fisherman. Many get into the sport because of curiosity, the romance of fly fishing often written, or the perceived challenge. All are valid reasons to try any outdoor sport or pastime. But most, will drop out as those romances fade, or the perceived challenge becomes to insurmountable for them. It's the individual who's heart jumps a little bit when they see a rise-form. Who's whole being just feels better when on the water with a flyrod in hand....that stays. Those are the grey heads that are seen. They can't help themselves. The drive and love of pursuing fish with a fly is something they can no sooner stop than one could stop taking a breath. For some it's trout and trout waters. For others like's any fish. The pop of a bluegill sucking in a popper, a bass crashing a bassbug in the lilies, the wake of a pickerel as it closes in on a streamer or the rise of a trout to sip a dry fly are one-in-the-same.