For many here maybe that's the case. However for the majority of the fly fishing public I have to agree with the article. I've seen folks boil over when losing fish, quit early in anger when their fishing buddy is having the better day. Ruining things for the whole trip. Serious fly fishermen.....experienced. Folks argue with guides, refuse to accept guidance or help...all because they are competing more than they are just fishing, and when they stop winning, they stop enjoying it.

I swung through an Orvis shop on the way to a local twp pond to hit some gills and bass with poppers one night to pick up tippet. A guy was in there complaining about the closest trout stream being too off-color to fish, and it was his only day off in the week to fish. I asked the guy if he wanted to accompany me to the water I was heading to for some popper fishing. He looked me square in the eye and as rude as could be said..."Now why in the &^%* would I want to do that? Do I look like I'm 10 years old?" Then went on to add how when he fly fishes he likes to "Match wits" with selective trout. I laughed and complimented him on matching wits with a fish that will rise for a thing-a-ma-bobber....then went fishing.

He probably went home after whining to the fly fishing clerk for another hour about how his fly fishing prowess was ruined until next week, kicked his dog and yelled at his wife. If we are all lucky maybe he broke his best rod too.

I caught a lot of fish that night....and had fun on a day that began with thunderstorms. He....did not.