Love his tying style! He makes it look so simple...ala Davy McPhail *G* He's good too, deceptively so.

Here Marc P. goes at it so well it almost makes a guy want to add to his CDC stash and I already have a good bit.

I really like the stuff for a lot of reasons. I also hate the stuff for as many reasons...namely the fussing after a fish or two. Still, I've found adding CDC to my patterns that use a few wraps of hackle for longer, less fussy floats greatly adds to the effectiveness of each fly. Works for me.

I'm considering those clamps he uses but since I can just "add" CDC to my preferred patterns already I'm having trouble making the purchase!

I'd love to have his vise though - just 'cause I like nice tools! I have 3 vises already but if I ever buy some pull-tabs and win.....) (doubtful, I'm too cheap)