I hope you have a great time at the Southwest Council Fly Fishing Faire. Some really good people belong to the SW Council of the IFFF. I see Wasatch has a booth there. Make sure you swing by there and if Bob or Bunny Blount (owners) are working the booth make sure you stop and talk with them, tell them Larry Gibbs says 'Hi!'. They are very good people and really strong supporters of fly fishing. I see the website doesn't have a spot listed for an IFFF booth nor a Fly Tying Group (FTG) booth, so look for a table with some signs that indicate they belong to the FTG. The FTG has some great fly tyers that belong to it. I see Faire has a nice selection of seminars and workshops that cover fly casting, fly tying, fly fishing techniques, various destination places for fishing, all kinds of good stuff. Check out some of the fly tyers, sit down and have a talk with them, they love it.

Hope you have a great time.

Larry ---sagefisher---