i know that they have flags you can buy to help boaters see kayaks i don't know why you could not rig one for a float tube. i tend fish no wake lakes most or at least during busy season.
i fish out of an emotion stealth sit on top kayak on warm water. i have it rigged with an anchor trolley on both sides of the back half of the kayak and use a drift sock( sea anchor) to control the direction the kayak points the direction it drifts and the speed of the drift as i fish down a bank. i occasionally use a small anchor on one of the trolleys. i transport the kayak by sliding it in the back of my Ford Ranger pickup.
it has been a while but i believe i paid a little over $ 400 on sale for the kayak.
I recommend you paddle a number of kayaks before you buy . Kayak weight and stability and reasonable paddling speed were all important criteria to me.