The means and merits of a streamside vise have been debated before if you just look through the archives. My take is that it is a pretty silly idea. While I almost always carry a travel tying kit, when I'm on the stream I'm fishing. I make of point of carrying scissors, and have some permanent markers if I really think changing colors is going to make a difference, but the idea of lugging tying stuff along on the off chance that I will not have the 'right' fly but yet I will have guessed what the right fly will be and thereby have the necessary components handy, stretches probabilities just a bit too far. A little bit of research and basic knowledge of local hatches precludes me having to carry more stuff on the stream, and on the off chance that I did not guess right or need more patterns, that what the tying kit in camp is for. I am not knocking the video's inventiveness, mind you, only the need.