Quote Originally Posted by Kaboom1 View Post
Gouging is a relaitive term. I agree with UJ...too many people see profit as a obscene thing. Brad
I was working for a large hotel company when we had a guest’s laptop stolen from his guestroom at one of the properties in my territory. It contained over2 years of proprietary medical research; the guest was a Japanese doctor working for a large pharmaceutical company. The information on the computer was worth millions of dollars, it was backed up but it was potentially in the hands of the competition. My wife and I take our share of medicines, when most of us see the cost of medicines we don’t realize the cost of developing that wonderful pill that brings our blood pressure or cholesterol down.

We recovered the computer by paying a bounty for more than street value. But, I am convinced what saved our bacon was when you turned on the computer and the Windows wallpaper popped up, it was all in Japanese. A pawn shop in Atlanta is not going to take that into its inventory. I still think there may have been a little industrial espionage involved.